Friday, June 21, 2013

She Lifts More Than You, Bro!

My workouts all centre around using a barbell and weights. I'll share about the kind of workouts I'm doing in a later post.

The question I get asked a lot by my friends is whether I'm scared of getting all Arnold Schwarzenegger (I had to Google that to make sure I spelled it right!). They think weightlifting ladies end up looking like this:

The model in the picture is Isabel Turell, by the way. As far as body-building models go, I think her body looks pretty good. Plenty of other disastrous looking ones on Google but I don't want to post their photos up here. Why ruin my perfectly good, supposed-to-be-motivational posts with people who have taken it too far? Anyway, I can only dream to look like Isabel. I mean, come on. Do you know how much time they put in at the gym working out to get those muscles? I'm a full time working mom with two kids under 5. And no helper at home. Just how much time do you think I get to work out everyday? So yeah, there's no way in hell I'm ending up looking like that. Not with 45 minutes tops a day I have to exercise.

Here's a video I found on YouTube showing normal, fit-looking girls lifting weights. And some of the weight they're lifting is heavier than they are!

If I can get anywhere near as fit looking as these girls, I'd be over the moon.

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