Thursday, June 27, 2013

Workout: 27 June 2013

Quick post to share with you my workout for the day.

Complexes (15kg, 3 sets, 2 mins rest between sets):
bentover rows x 8
hang clean x 8
front squat x 8
push press x 8
back squat x 8
good morning x 8

Strength Exercises (5 sets each, 2 mins rest between sets):
overhead squat, 10kg x 10
deadlift, 30kg x 10

Core Exercises (3 sets, 1 min rest between sets):
Good morning 10kg x 15
Crunches x 30

Completed in 45 minutes. Catch you guys later! *hugs*

Friday, June 21, 2013

She Lifts More Than You, Bro!

My workouts all centre around using a barbell and weights. I'll share about the kind of workouts I'm doing in a later post.

The question I get asked a lot by my friends is whether I'm scared of getting all Arnold Schwarzenegger (I had to Google that to make sure I spelled it right!). They think weightlifting ladies end up looking like this:

The model in the picture is Isabel Turell, by the way. As far as body-building models go, I think her body looks pretty good. Plenty of other disastrous looking ones on Google but I don't want to post their photos up here. Why ruin my perfectly good, supposed-to-be-motivational posts with people who have taken it too far? Anyway, I can only dream to look like Isabel. I mean, come on. Do you know how much time they put in at the gym working out to get those muscles? I'm a full time working mom with two kids under 5. And no helper at home. Just how much time do you think I get to work out everyday? So yeah, there's no way in hell I'm ending up looking like that. Not with 45 minutes tops a day I have to exercise.

Here's a video I found on YouTube showing normal, fit-looking girls lifting weights. And some of the weight they're lifting is heavier than they are!

If I can get anywhere near as fit looking as these girls, I'd be over the moon.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Number on the Scale Doesn't Matter

Ok, this post is to remind myself of why I stashed away the weighing scale and I haven't stepped on it in about 3 months. I don't know why I thought that digging it out today was going to help me any, but I did and boy, it REALLY didn't help. Why? The numbers hadn't moved. If anything, they were slightly higher than what I'd weighed three months ago.

I'm like, WTF? I'm definitely slimmer, I'm showing more definition. My clothes fit better. I've actually gone down a jeans size. Cheekbones that I haven't seen in a couple of years are playing peekaboo with me in the mirror now. So what gives?


So I'm leaning out and putting on more weight in muscle than I'm losing in fat. Which is totally fine! Simply because muscle burns a whole lot more than fat, so overall my metabolism is going up. Apparently, fat percentages are a whole lot more important than the actual number reflected in the scale. Matt, over at ShareItFitness, does a good job of explaining it, so go visit his post.

To convince me further, I googled a bunch of pictures and it made me feel a ton better.
So yeah, the weighing scale is getting banished into the dark dank dusty storage room again. Maybe I'll try again in 2 months time just for the heck of it!

Hello to the World!

Good God, are you still here reading this? If you are,


So anyway, I got bogged down with moving out of my old apartment, then squeezing all of us into one bedroom over at my mum's before finally getting to move into my new apartment. Then it was decorating (which still isn't finished!) and getting back into a schedule.

So yeah, here I am. Again. I think I've got it nailed down this time though. I recently started keeping a workout journal. So basically I spend 5 to 10 minutes a day planning/recording my workout for the day and I've been really really good at doing that. I've never been one for writing stuff down and keeping systematic records of anything, so that was a huge achievement for me! It's made me a whole lot more disciplined in keeping to my workouts. So, I think I'm ready to come back to this blogging thing. If I can keep my workout journal, I should be able to check in 15 minutes a day here.

See you here back soon! And I mean it, real soon!
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